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The goal of c3plot is provide to a base ‘graphics’-like interface to the C3.js JavaScript charting library. The main c3plot() function is an S3 generic like the base plot() function with methods for various base R objects.

Besides htmlwidgets, it has minimal R dependencies. Tidyverse not required!


You can install the development version from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")


Here’s some example code for a basic scatter plot using R’s airquality dataset:

air <- airquality
c3plot(air$Ozone, air$Solar.R, 
       main = "New York Air Quality Measurements", 
       xlab = "Ozone (ppb)",
       ylab = "Solar Radiation (lang)",
       col = "red")


To see a list of S3 methods:

#> [1] c3plot.default*  c3plot.density*  c3plot.factor*   c3plot.function*
#> [5] c3plot.lm*      
#> see '?methods' for accessing help and source code

More are on the way! The goal is to replicate the behavior of base R plot() methods as closely as possible while also getting the benefits of using C3 (ie. interactivity). Each method has its own help page that can be accessed for additional information.


The package is tested on Windows, Linux, and MacOS.